Change Streams, Reactive Programming, and Nonsense

Today we’re going to explore a bit of what we can do with a combination of super interesting Spring / MongoDB tools. Namely, we’re gonna get weird with MongoDB change streams and Spring WebFlux.

Before we get started I’d like to mention that none of the code explored in this post is production ready. This is just stuff that I find interesting.

A repository containing a working copy of the code can be found here.


WebFlux is a huge Spring library that brings support for reactive programming to Spring Boot. Built on top of reactor, it exposes some super interesting stream tools that adhere to the reactive-streams specifications. Today we’ll be looking at a few of these tools: Mono and Flux. Mono represents an asynchronous response of 0 or 1 items, where as a Flux represents an asynchronous sequence of 0 to n items.

Let’s start by setting up a simple reactive API.

First we’ll need to add the following dependencies to our project


Then we’ll create a few simple models to represent a very basic Post / Comment cycle

public class BaseEntity {

    private ObjectId id;
    private LocalDateTime createdAt;

public class Post extends BaseEntity {

    private String content;
    private List<Comment> comments;

    private Post(String content) {
        this.content = content;
        this.comments = new ArrayList<>();

    public static Post from(PostRequest request) {
        return new Post(request.getContent());

public class Comment {

    private String content;
    private LocalDateTime createdAt;

    public static Comment from(CommentRequest request) {
        return new Comment(request.getContent(),;


Next, and crucially, we’ll create a new repository for our post collection

public interface PostRepository extends ReactiveMongoRepository<Post, String> {

The ReactiveMongoRepository exposes a number of reactive methods for us to use to access our collections. Let’s finish up our API and see how they behave.

I’m going to wrap the repository in a service

public class PostServiceImpl implements PostService {

    private final PostRepository repository;

    public PostServiceImpl(PostRepository repository) {
        this.repository = repository;

    public Mono<Post> save(Post post) {

    public Flux<Post> findAll() {
        return this.repository.findAll();

    public Mono<Post> addComment(Comment comment, String postId) {
        return this.find(postId).flatMap(post -> {

    public Mono<Post> find(String postId) {
        return this.repository.findById(postId);

The only interesting thing here is the addComment method. Notice that we’re doing things a bit differently. We’re returning the find() stream but adding a pipeline that takes the post we find, adds the comment, and saves it. It’s a bit different than our usual non reactive style. If you have experience with Angular and Observables this should be second nature.

Next let’s add a quick controller

@CrossOrigin(origins = "*", maxAge = 3600)
public class PostController {

    private final PostService postService;

    public PostController(PostService postService) {
        this.postService = postService;

    public Flux<Post> findAll() {
        return this.postService.findAll();

    public Mono<Post> find(@PathVariable String id) {
        return this.postService.find(id);

    public Mono<Post> comment(@RequestBody CommentRequest request, @PathVariable String id) {
        return this.postService.addComment(Comment.from(request), id);

    public Mono<Post> create(@RequestBody PostRequest postRequest) {

If you run this and ping the endpoints you’ll notice that it behaves exactly the same way that it would if we had created this API using conventional non reactive methods. Although it behaves the same way to the client, Spring is handling things very differently.

Flux streams are true streams. You’ll never notice it in our little API, but we now have a throttled flow of data through our application. In non reactive applications we have the concept of back-pressure, where a stream producer can create data faster than the receiver can process it creating a build up of buffered unhandled data. Our throttled streams will never allow that to happen.

This is a super handy concept to keep in mind when you need to perform operations on huge amounts of data without using disastrous amounts of memory.

Change Streams

Now that we’ve talked a bit about WebFlux let’s have a look the MongoDB change stream.

Change streams are a super cool MongoDB feature that allow us to subscribe to changes happening on our collections and react to them in real time. Change streams rely on the replication feature of MongoDB. Clustered databases are already forced to share changes to collections to all members in the cluster. Change streams allow us to tap into this conversation.

In order for there to be this conversation in the first place, our MongoDB database needs to be set up as a replica set. This is best done locally by using docker compose, but for anyone else running their MongoDB as a service on Windows Home (terrible I know) here’s a quick and dirty guide on how to set it up as a replica set with a single member.

Find your mongod.cfg file. Add the following

  replSetName: replocal

Restart MongoDB. You can use the windows service manager if it is installed as a service. Connect using the mongo shell. Run the following command

rs.initiate({_id: "replocal", members: [{_id: 0, host: ""}] })

You should now have a super robust single member cluster (I’m kidding, but it works for demonstration purposes).

Now this is a contrived use case but stay with me here. Let’s add a fancy little method in our PostService that allows our users to subscribe to a stream of any changes happening on a Post.

private final ReactiveMongoTemplate reactiveTemplate;

// ...

public Flux<Post> subscribe(String postId) {
    Aggregation fluxAggregation = newAggregation(match(where("fullDocument._id").is(new ObjectId(postId))));

    ChangeStreamOptions options = ChangeStreamOptions.builder()

    return reactiveTemplate.changeStream("post",

Notice I’m able to add an Aggregation operation to filter fields on the document that has been updated.

Take a minute to let this little method sink in. Any time the Post matching the ID you have passed gets updated, you’re going to receive an item in your async stream. The use cases for this are insane. Imagine a microservice architecture using a messaging bus. You could use this stream to trigger updates. You could also store the changed documents to trace back problematic changes in your data. Let’s combine what we looked at with WebFlux with these new change stream tools and look at one more potential use case.

With any stream, nothing is going to happen unless someone subscribes. So lets give the people what they want. In our controller let’s add the following

@GetMapping(path = "/{id}/subscribe", produces = MediaType.TEXT_EVENT_STREAM_VALUE)
public Flux<Post> subscribe(@PathVariable String id) {
    return this.postService.subscribe(id);

Pick a post and open this endpoint in your browser (not IE) by going to the URL. You’ll notice this behaves a bit differently than the other Flux endpoints from before. You’ll notice your browser hangs on this endpoint. Try going into your database and changing something in the Post that you’ve subscribed to. You just got a new asynchronous message baby.

I’ve gotta say that I am unreasonably excited about this. We have an endpoint that exposes an asynchronous event driven stream of ANY changes that happen in our database.


Today we’ve gotten a little introduction on a few reactive tools in Spring and some potential use cases for them.

As I mentioned before, careful when using this code. This is all fairly new stuff so I’m not super confident with conventions, etc. And stay tuned for a post where I create a little Angular application that uses our new event driven endpoint to display Post updates in real time.

Have fun and happy coding!

Written on December 11, 2019